Sunday, August 16, 2009

When ignorance isn't bliss

Since Coby and I have decided to adopt, many people have asked us, Why?". This is a natural curiosity, and I understand that. I have no problems answering that question for our close friends and family. But for people I just met, I tell them it's the way we have decided to have children. For most people, this is acceptable, and they get the hint.

However, I have met many people who don't stop there. Here's a sample of what I have heard over the past 1 1/2 years (and how I wish I could respond out loud):

"How sad you can't have your own children."
Yeah, b/c Andy is really someone else's child and he is just "on loan".

"What's wrong with you? with your husband?"
Are you stupid or just rude?

"I think it's ridiculous that people are going to foreign countries when there are so many kids here that need homes. Why not adopt an American kid?"
If that's the way you feel, then why don't YOU adopt domestically?

"Well maybe one day you will have kids of your own."
Please see response to stupid remark #1.

"Are you going to tell him he's adopted?"
Seriously, someone asked me this, even after I showed them a picture of Andy. Despite the fact that his current hairstyle resembles Coby's, I'm pretty sure this is a no-brainer. I don't think we've ever been mistaken for Asian people.

"Wow, you must have a lot of extra money."
Usually my blank stare makes people feel uncomfortable enough that they move onto another topic quickly. Silence can be amazing when dealing with ignorant people.

One lady even implied that I will never know what true, sacrificial love is really about since I will only have adopted children. I think she was also the recipient of an uncomfortably long, silent stare (or maybe glare).

None of these questions have been asked by friends or family members, only by acquaintances or people I have recently met. My friends and family may think these things, but at least they have enough of an internal check system that they don't say them out loud.


KSKH said...

OMG!!! It's amazing to me how people act or what they say. Who really cares how or why you adopted Andy? It is wonderful and I am so happy for you!

Petra said...

People can be so thoughtless! I've gotten a list of equally rude questions/statements regarding how many children we have. Though we've gotten them from friends and family as well. I think what you guys are doing is awesome! I'm so very happy for all three of you!! :)

Liz Seymour said...

I should do one of these about the stupid comments people say to pregnant ladies......seriously!?!? Some people have no shame or filter. Either way, I'm happy for you and Coby, y'all are going to be great parents!

ricori1988 said...

This relative gets its!!!!! Enjoy your precious gift!!! I know that this aunt loves Andy very much and his uncle Andy too.