Thursday, October 8, 2009

Korea update

We met Andy! Let's just say that yesterday morning was one of the best of our lives. Very emotional, funny, happy. More details later when we have more time.

Our first meeting was great, but a little different than expected. The night before we saw him, we got a phone call from our case worker at Dillon (who happens to be in Korea as well). She was calling to tell us Andy was in the hospital for a viral illness. We worried all night that this would delay him coming home. Then we saw him and spoke with his doctor at the hospital. He is getting steroids for bronchiolitis, a common viral illness in the lungs. If he were in the USA, he would not even be in the hospital. We saw some of the healthiest looking kids at the Korean Children's Hospital! And Coby was very popular with the little girls-they were fascinated with his bald head! So, he looks great, is eating well. They are going to keep him over the weekend just to make sure he gets enough steroids. He will be on a liquid steroid for awhile when he gets home. The doctor was great!

More posts to follow about Seoul and the wonderful people here. We can't say enough about Korean hospitality.

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