It seems like it has snowed &/or iced a lot this winter in OKC. Coby can pretty much drive anywhere in this stuff, which is nice. It's funny how he will jump at the chance to go get milk or TP when it means he can put the Jeep in 4WD.
Andy was recently hospitalized with RSV. We spent three days in the PICU, then another three days in a regular room. He was bored towards the end, but overall he was so good while hospitalized. He continues to amaze us with his ability to adapt to whatever situation he is in! I think Coby and I were more frustrated with staying in that small room than he was.
We met with our adoption attorney this week, who happens to have two children from S. Korea. We can't finalize the adoption until April, but we met with her to start gathering documents. So when the six month mark comes around, everything will be ready, and she can submit it to the court. Then we get a court date, stand in front of the judge and declare that we intend to support, love, etc... Andy forever amd make him part of our family. The judge OKs everything, and our adoption is done! It is at that time that we can legally change his name and get a birth certificate and certificate of citizenship. While we are calling him Andy, his legal name is still Hyeon Bhin Jeong. One of the quirks of this whole thing is that we already received a social security number and card in his legal name. We never applied for it; it came about one week after his green card arrived. According to everyone we have talked to, this is unusual. Hopefully, it won't cause us issues later on when we need to get another one with his new name.
We purchased a lot to eventually build a house. We picked out the house plans over three years ago; we would like to pay off as much of the lot as possible before we build, so it may be another year before we get started. Our builder is estimating it will take one year to build. So, we will be here for awhile. The lot is beautiful, 1.3 acres with lots of trees.
Anyway, life is good around the Toth house.
How is Andy feeling now?
I can't wait to meet him!
Andy is 100% better. He really was amazing during the whole thing, just smiling and making the best of the situation. He's so cool, and we are so lucky.
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