Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Am I looosing my senses?

I am about to lose it. Actually, I came close to it last week when I almost starting crying in clinic. The proverbial straw, you might ask?? Well, it was a very nice nurse asking me how the adoption process is going. I'm am just not dealing well with the stress of waiting for Andy to come home. Every day I look at other people's adoption timelines to try to figure out what ours will be. At this point, I think we are still at least one month away from seeing Andy's sweet face. We still need emigration permission (EP), passport issued (PP), and travel clearance (TC). Once he gets EP, the PP is about 7-10 days later with TC 7-10 days after that. And then we have to make our travel plans. So even if we found out TODAY that he has EP, we are looking at 3-4 weeks until we can go, minimum. Arrgg!

And the title? A random Friends reference from Ross.

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